Gusts are the predominant excitation source that induces aircraft modal vibration. Gusts are considered to be random in nature and play a major role in the design of various aspects of aircraft operation. The calculation of gust load on an airplane is a two-fold problem involving consideration of both the character of the gust and the response of the airplane. When a gust acting upon an aircraft is continuous, it is defined as turbulence. The local velocity fluctuations sensed by an airplane flying through atmospheric turbulence constitute a random process. Gust is the most important dynamic problem; the gust condition is usually controlling strength condition in large aircraft. Consequently the responses of the airplane, whether they are in motions (linear or angular displacements, velocities or accelerations),forces ( lift, pitching moment, bending moment and so on), stresses, or any other phenomena is determined by the turbulence. Aircraft design requires the evaluation of dynamic loads in response to continuous and random gust excitations. Gust response affects many aspects of aircraft characteristics, including stability and control, dynamic structural loads flight safety. The primary purpose of this work was the computation of dynamic (Design) loads on an aircraft structure due to continuous gust.